Is it still possible to get the v3.0 formula?

One of my flavors in my last order came as the v3.1 formula instead. I strongly dislike it and have no intention of buying any more if it. Is there any way to get the v3.0 still?

Hi there! I’m so sorry to hear you’re not pleased with your new order. Could you please email our customer experience team at with your order number? They would be happy to work with you to see if there is some way we can make it up to you.

We have swapped to Huel Powder v3.1 based on customer feedback. An email alerting you of this was sent out on December 6th, so I do apologize if this was missed. When we make changes to current products it is always based on customer feedback we have received so we definitely welcome any feedback positive or negative and the more specific the better, so we can pass it along to the product team.