How much weight for Hual 1 Bag? Ask for calculate shipping

Hi, admin

How much weight for Hual 1 Bag?

I would like to order Huel Black Edition and Huel Gluten-free.

My local post mail limited weight for not over 10Kg
if over 10Kg must go to pick up at post mail office
for 5Kg no problem to shipping delivery to my home
So, under limited 9Kg (9Kg for making sure, not overweight) How many Huel I can order in 1 shipping

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One bag is 3lbs, or 1.53kg. 6 Bags would equal around 9.18kg - If you want to stay on the safer side, order 5 bags, as this is well under 10kg (7.65kg total for 5 bags).

I hope this helps!


Hi, Justin

Thank you very much for help. is helpful

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