How Do We Make Huel? (Update Article)

You guys asked for more transparency and details about the Huel production process and we listened.

You can find the updated article here:


Where are the vitamins and minerals manufactured? I assume a variety of places. They are almost more concerning than the other ingredients because there is essentially no oversight of manufacturers regarding the actual amounts and purity of product. Does Huel or a 3rd party test them for accurate dosage and purity?

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We have a single supplier. We have a large oversight over this including choosing the exact forms that we want. The specification details the purity and other ingredients if present e.g. carrier. Both the supplier and ourselves do regular testing to ensure the levels we are told we are getting are actually what we are getting.

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Great to hear, thank you!

That was a great article! Thank you to all who helped getting it together. That could be a cool video/commercial, basically the text, with some video/stills of the fields, processing facilities, etc.

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Thanks for the kind words! Great idea, I will pass it on to marketing.