I was on insulin for two years now. I’m tired of stabbing myself and bruises and having to hide poking myself at work. Seems shameful?
I had a doctor put me on Ozempic. My A12 is 10.6 which is real bad. My blood sugar was always over 200 and most of the time I wouldn’t get down under 300 unless I use my rapid release insulin. Yeah don’t think you’ll be fine it gets to out of control. My eye sight has been blurry for months now.
Ok now you have my background.
Two weeks ago I got my delivery of Huel! Very excited to try it out. Day one sugar was close to 200, 219 to be exact which for me was good. Day two 189, day three, 141 day four 128 and day five 108. I haven’t had a day over 200 since my first day. I haven’t use any insulin since day one. My new sugar average for week two is 135 !!!
Now here’s how I do my daily food intake.
I’m a cook so I’m at work at 6am.
I make a three scoop batch in my blender first thing. Make a cup for me the rest is put in the fridge until lunch. Sometimes I have the urge to chew on something so strawberries and blueberries are at my disposal. I have about a half a cup not everyday just for the urge. I have my shake at lunch around 9:30-10am. I don’t eat until about 4pm with the family. When I eat I make salad my main chewing of food. No process cheese and I like seeds and nuts in my salads. Always add meat to them. Make sure you have animal protein everyday. No sugars.
I’m not doing this for the weight loss I’m doing this for 14 weeks as they say that’s how long you should do your best to not have more than 60 grams of carbs in your daily diet and this should reset our pancreas.
So Huel fans and owners. I’m going to be the guy who sticks to this and give biweekly updates on my progress.
I hope this helps any of my T2D people. A strong mind will make anything work as long as you keep at it!
It’s time people take control of this nonsense that we all put ourselves in. I’m not going to lose and so far this has been working.
Chocolate with a spoonful of peanut butter at work and strawberry or cinnamon roll at home. The banana is good just haven’t fit it in just yet. I think the banana is the most accurate tasting product I’ve tried of yours. Chocolate is soft and easy to manipulate.
So got my A1C down from 10.2 down to 8.1 in a months time. Down 10 pounds as well.
I’ve finished one bag of chocolate and will order it again!
I do understand how some people will have some thoughts about drinking your meals. I’ve had such a success in one month of doing this.
If you have second thoughts about it working let me help you put this to ease.
Humans eat because they have to. You put into your body what’s around you. Chips aren’t a snack they are the absolute worse thing you can eat. Every single one of them. Instead put something healthy into your reach. Drinking these drinks twice a day and eating healthy for my dinner is what’s working for me to kick this diabetes bs that I have done to myself.
Take back yourself and feel better. It’s hard to change at first but easy once you’ve made it something in your day for 22 days.