March 28, 2020, 12:28pm
For those of you that are loyal RTD drinkers, what are you currently consuming at the moment?
Are you just using one of the other Huel products? (I switched to Black in the interim).
Did you switch to another RTD competitor temporarily? (I’ve tried a few but not really a fan of those that are out there)
Just curious. I don’t work for Huel or anything, I just find consumer trends interesting.
Hope you’re all safe!
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April 2, 2020, 12:17am
Well then… I guess I’m the only that drinks RTD! Oh well, more for me!
I’m gonna go with black. However, I really want the RTD back. Taste wise, I like it a lot more than the powder. Plus… it is ready to drink.
April 2, 2020, 2:43am
A Black RTD would be AWESOME. But yes, there’s something to be said about the convenience of RTD, especially because I weigh my powder and that takes much more time.