Flaxseed - Overview of Health Benefits, Recommended Intake and Caution

New article in our Guides & Articles section

Flaxseed - Overview of Health Benefits, Recommended Intake and Caution

Any discussion, please post below and @Rebecca_Huel and I will respond


Very good read! And seeing the chart comparing the amount of HCN in different foods was interesting as well.

How many grams of flaxseed are in a one-cup/500 kcal serving of Huel? (I don’t ask out of concern, but rather curiosity.)

Thank you for always keeping up with safety information. It only adds to my trust in Huel as good, complete, food.

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We can’t give exact amounts as it’s our recipe, but there is less than 15g per 100g Huel.

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What is the main concern here?

If it’s hydrogen cyanide, how much Hule would you have to ingest to reach 50-200mg of the stuff from the amount in the flaxseeds?

Or if its the estrogen levels that may possibly be increased is there any nutritional way to supplement more testosterone into your diet?