Unable to login

Hey gang,
I am unable to log into the main Huel account to make changes to my order. Windows 10, Chrome Version 70.0.3538.110. I seem to be stuck in a loop where I cannot get past the Captcha. I enter my username and password (I have verified it is correct as I am able to post this message) and then it takes me to a new page which shows what I would expect except the center of the page is a captcha. When I finish proving I am not a robot (contrary to what my last girlfriend claimed) it says I entered " * Invalid login credentials"

Hey Jack. We redoing this portion of our site–you may have ran into some internal glitches. Have you been able to access this portion yet?

Thanks Tyler, but no joy on my end. Now I can’t even get past the login page. It just tells me invalid credentials.

I’ll send you a DM now.