Does anyone else think the refer a friend offer is weak? :/

I’m a heavy user of Huel, 70% of my food intake daily is huel, I usually buy the 112 meal package on monthly bases… Knowing I spend about 230$ every month and having the refer a friend feature take $5 dollars out of it, makes me not even want to try because I feel like it’s not worth the effort. Does anyone else feel like that or is it just me? :confused:

P.S. Not trying to trash talk the company or anything like that, I LOVE Huel. just feeling a bit disappointed… Maybe it’s because I’m such a heavy user?

with orders that large it’s barely a dent. I’m only buying 2 bags a month right now so it’s more worth it for me

We appreciate the feedback and will take this into consideration for future changes. Thank you, Bryan! :+1:

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Perhaps each referral presents a one-time % off an order to a maximum of something like 35% or something like that.

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I don’t know anything about the finances of Huel, but I would encourage people to consider this from a business perspective. Huel provides two other discounts: subscription and bulk ordering. Both of these cut into the margin (how much Huel makes on a purchase). A greater discount on a already more heavily discounted purchase makes the profit even less.

Huel is not priced as a premium product so $5 per friend (really $10 since it is for both you and the friend) seems pretty reasonable to me. Any lower, and I think it would quickly become not worth the hassle. I suppose there may be some room to raise the amount, but if it were too high it could become a target for fraudulent use.

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Thanks @Teresa_Huel

And @vossad01, that seems pretty reasonable, thank you for bringing a different light to my train of thoughts

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Also $5 is 2 and a half free meals! :grin: I go around trying to get people to try Huel without the referral bonus, hoping that they’ll improve their diet somewhat and experience better overall health.

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